Literary Criticism: An Accidental Man


This story is set in contemporary London where a family lives with a large number of characters related to each other by family or acquaintance.

The narrator is omniscient who tells us the vicissitudes of a family in disarray.

The tone is dramatic and intense, it seems that there isn't a way out, the characters are devoured by their irresponsibility and selfishness.

The protagonist is Austin Gibson Grey, he is the Accidental Man, a devil personage, he believes that he is not responsible for his actions, he is a victim of fate.

The antagonist is his brother, Sir Matthew Gibson Grey, he believes firmly in his ideals to the point of being arrested in Moscow by the police for showing his solidarity with the protesters.

Garth Gibson Grey in New York City, he witnessed a stabbing, despite an explicit request for help from the victim he did nothing and was not sorry.

Ludwig Leferrier is a young American boy who has won a scholarship at the University of Oxford, he wants to marry Gracie and to remain in the UK for not being enlisted in the Army during the Vietnam War.

He is devoured by a dilemma: what price to pay for the ideals or is selfishness disguised as ideals?

The climax is when Austin, completely drunk, kills a little girl with a car, will not admit any direct responsibility and will try to blame a passenger.


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