Two Lighthouses

I would like us to live like two lighthouses
at the mouth of a river, each with her own lamp.

We could see each other across the water,
which would be dangerous, and uncrossable.

I could watch your shape, your warm shadow,
moving in the upper rooms. We would have jokes.

Jokes that were only ours, signs and secrets,
flares on birthdays, a rocket at Christmas.

Clouds would be cities, we would look for omens,
and learn the impossible language of birds.

We would meet, of course, in cinemas, cafés,
but then, we would return to our towers,

knowing the other was the light on the water,
a beam of alignment. It would never be broken.

By: Julia Darling


In my opinion this poem is an ode to the brevity of life, the uncertainty of the future is a fundamental element to write the own sentiments, it could be the last occasion, tomorrow one of them could die, the lighthouse is a metaphor to assimilate the love toward the light so brilliant during the nights.

The true love is without the physical contact, it must remain pure, the only way to light up the proper soul, and the true thoughts.

To know the evolution of their love is impossible, it is most simple to understand the language of the birds. The true love is spiritual, probably because 'It would never be broken.' by the forces of nature.


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