Agony In The Garden (G. Bellini)

About 1458-60, Egg tempera on panel, By Giovanni Bellini (1430 - 1516) Italian Painter, High Renaissance, Venetian School - Influenced On: Venetian School, Antonello da Messina, Bartolomeo Veneto.

National Gallery London (UK)


Why agony?, it's a spiritual struggle between the two sides of Jesus's nature, the human that feared suffering and the wanted to avoid it, but the divine gave to him strenght.

Here the landscape is less dense with three urban installment a church and two cities, because Bellini is famous  for depicting things that he knows well and not having been to Jerusalem he did not depicted the city.

Here Christ is knelling and praying on a rock very, similar to a desk.

Above him there is an angel, probably he is sleeping with open eyes, for being absorbed to his prays.
The disciples with the duty to protect Christ are sleeping profoundly, the arrival of Judas is imminent with the roman's soldiers, they will capture and will kill Christ foe three denier, on the right there is a broken fence, by who?

The beauty of this painting is the color and the lights, the sky is soffuse with blue and pink and a dead three.


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