SpaceFiction: Late Afternoon On Mars
'In this photo, there is the late afternoon on mars, it's very similar to our planet, but with the difference that there isn't life.'
'Yep, the early or late afternoon there haven't sense, there will be the night and then the day, it will be so until the explosion of our star, then there will be the death, the death of everything, of all we've seen in our life.'
'You're right there there isn't life, but there are the rocks, they are heated and frozen by the sun, at regular , the rocks know the concept of time, they haven't a brain, but the rocks, they are heated up and cool down by the sun, they can feel their physical mutation.'
'But they haven't a nervous system nor a brain, they don't feel anything.'
'I partially disagree with you, look at that oak, how old is it? two hundred years? in any case it has accumulated the Co2, if burned it will release all in a couple of hours.'
'The story of two hundred years, at least.'
'That's true, everything on our solar system has a function, the nature did not create anything by chance, so why didn't it give us the ability to understand the function of everything. '
'And here we return to Plotinus.'
'So what means, philosophically speaking, the word Random?'
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